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Holy fuck..looks just like my neighbor at my BnB. I’ve such a huge crush n hard on for her I’d do anything to dump my loads in her holes
If I knew her and got to wear her holes like a condom and dump my baby goo into, shed love like a Queen
The first second says it all. The way her lips are locked and sealed down so hard when she pulls back they just stay still n stretch pretty much. Then after the first full gulp she takes and feels where she bulges, just pullin back with her brows sloped like she needs his cock. She wants the drugs, but she needs his pipe in her throat and then have him bottom out in her. So deep his dicks hole is literally kissing her cervix so when he starts to give birth to his goo baby it just melts right down her tubes and covers her eggs like a blanket.
this is all I want to do on meth
You and me let’s get together smoke some meth and I will go down on you all night longo–
Wanna chat NAUGHTINESS???
Je mag mij wel lekker komen pijpen
Hit me up I’ll smoke ya out and party with ya,if you female.
Let’s chat anytime
Wats up wanna chat hmu