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foolish Snuff
You know its very difficult to rate any video of any kind, Take porn for example, You have to base your Rating on one or more factors, Well most people do but i Rate everything i watch on a one star factor, In porn its no different than if i watch a video of a street fight, Only problem is there is no stars there are only thumbs up or thumbs down, So besides the sex theres the woman or girls body and if she has skills in the bedroom, Then there’s her smile, Her eyes, The size of her breasts whether she has real one’s or the fake one’s, Also the third thing is how pretty her vagina is and how well maintained it is, Now In these snuff videos the sex is hot, And the chick is very sexy and not a bad actress, Nice body and cute little pink pussy, Her breasts were cute and not plastic or saggy and full of stretch marks, But my thing is she was ****** and then strangled to *****, If this was real life that guy left behind so much of his DNA that he would have been arrested within the hour, Yea i know its not real and these are just actors but tbh you guys could have just had the sex recorded and got the same amount of views and mostly all likes, I get it though, There’s a market for snuff films because there are those twisted people that enjoy watching others have sex and one getting killed, Just as there is a market for sex with animals, I think both are sick and twisted but it is what it is i guess.
Je voudrais que cette homme me baise et ****e jusqu’a la ****ces vraiment ce que je veux